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Archived Comments for: CNS progenitor cells and oligodendrocytes are targets of chemotherapeutic agents in vitro and in vivo

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  1. Functional link?

    Jose Eduardo de Salles Roselino, USP-FMRP

    6 December 2006

    Here in Brazil an outstanding politician was submitted, initially to chemo, latter after his complaint, to immunotherapy.

    During his last period he has made an attempt to talk (reading his speech alive in TV). At that episode he presented what may be called syllabic lack of coordination. In short, he was able to pronounce a first syllable of a word and was somehow drifted to another word. This signal was absent when, not reading, he talked to his vice-governor, wife or the audience…

    At that time, my personal feeling ( I was watching on TV) was that he may have had brain metastasis that were under immune attack and showing a localized inflammatory response.

    However, after reading this very interesting article I assume that mature neural cells and cancer cells may have some common biochemical processes.

    JES Roselino

    Competing interests

    None declared
